Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Initial and Final Salvation - Are you Really Saved?

Early in 2019, the Epoch Times produced a video titled, "How Communism Subverted the Church", which produced documentary evidence as to how the Communists from the Soviet Union infiltrated the churches, Bible colleges, synagogues and mosques as far back as 1907 so as to subvert them.

The video's presenter makes the following claims about the impact Communism has had on Christianity in America:
"...that communism has infiltrated American Christianity at every level."
"The success of their mission involved operative cells taking control of churches for Communist purposes."
"Today, most of the leftist divinity professors and religious leaders come out of the Maoist and Democratic Socialist movements rather than the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) per se."

"Much of what has been preached in American churches has been influenced if not dominated by Communist ideology posing as religion."
If Christians can accept that the above statements are factual (from the evidence presented) and are therefore true, this indicates that  much of what is preached in churches and written in Christian magazines and books is false and misleading.  Christianity today is most likely promoting "Communist ideology" that is aimed to neutralize and to ultimately destroy Biblical Christianity.

Recently completed research has revealed that today's modern gospel messages that promote "Saved by faith only - not of works lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:9) will not save any Christian. 

In contrast to this - what has been discovered in the "mystery of the Gospel" (Rom 16:25 and Eph 6:19) are these facts:

  1. It is very easy for anyone to accept Jesus Christ as "Savior".  This occurs through the confession of "Jesus as Lord" using one's mouth, followed by water baptism to fulfill Romans 10:9-10 and Mark 16:16.  Even the Devil's people can be "saved" and attend church (Matt 13:24-30).
  2. The Bible plainly states that Christians have been "created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Eph 2:10).  The Apostle James says that saving faith (Rom 10:9-10) that fails to undertake the required "works" that produces "fruit" is "dead faith" - and is unacceptable to God (James 2:26).
  3. If Christians FAIL to produce the required "spiritual fruit" from "Jesus the Vine" through "works involving the Holy Spirit", the Bible says that such Christians will eventually be "pruned from the Vine" to await their eventual burning in the Lake of Fire:
"Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he [God the Father] taketh away...If a man abide not in me [Jesus], he is [pruned by God the Father from the Vine and] cast forth as a [fruitless] branch, and is [eventually become] withered...and they are burned."(John 15:2)

Initial and Final Salvation

A two-part series titled 'Initial and Final Salvation' describes how Salvation (at one's death) can be secured, however this involves each Christian becoming a "good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ" (Matt 25:21) while "running the spiritual race set before them" (Heb 12:1-2).  This requires Christians to "grow in God's grace" (2 Peter 3:18) and in doing so, "grow in faith" (2 Thes 1:3).  Such obedience produces the required spiritual "fruit unto God the Father" (John 15:2). 

On the contrary, many Christians prefer to bury their faith within their vessels of clay rather than exercising what they have been given (Matt 17:20) that brings forth "fruit" unto God (meaning, lost souls into God's kingdom).

"Then he which had received the one talent [symbolizing a 'Saved' Christian without any "works"] came and said, Lord...I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent [my faith in You] in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. 26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, 28 Take therefore the talent from him...30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."  (Matt 25:24-30)

To find out more detailed information about this topic, this two part series can be found at the links below, together with a brief video.

2.   Initial and Final Salvation Explained

3.   Final Salvation - Running the Race